Dear Resident and Business Owners:
The County is holding a daily 10 AM conference call for local officials that includes briefings from the County Department of Health (DOH), the County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and the County Department of Economic Development. The first such call took place this morning. Here is the updated information provided on that call:
- As of 2 PM on March 15th (Sunday), there were no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gloucester County.
- Statewide, there are 98 confirmed cases, mostly in north Jersey, and 2 deaths to date.
- The OEM Director reviewed the protocols in place for local Police and Fire responses and the plans should an officer be exposed to a confirmed case.
- Representatives from Inspira and Kennedy/Jefferson reviewed their visitation limitations, that basically allow a patient to have one visitor (2 if maternity) and one companion in an Emergency Room visit.
- The hospital representatives stated that they will ramp up their testing capability based on the national roll-out of drive thru centers. They emphasized that all testing (currently) must be coordinated thru the County Department of Health for authorization. You CANNOT just walk in and request a test, as of now.
As for our local (Harrison Township) actions, as I stated in my previous message, effective tomorrow, March 17th, we are closing the Municipal Building and Public Works Building to the public until further notice. Employees will continue to conduct township business and be onsite. In addition:
- All Board & Commission meetings are canceled until further notice.The Township Committee meeting scheduled for tonight is cancelled and we are reviewing the status of future Township Committee meetings (every 1st & 3rd Monday at 7 PM) going forward.
- Bulk Trash pickup will be suspended till further notice after March 16.
- All township Recreation Commission events are cancelled effective thru June 1st, including the Easter Egg Hunt (April 4th) and Harrison Township Day (May 2nd). We will issue refunds to our parents enrolled in all scheduled events and to all sponsors of Harrison Township Day. Registrations for our Summer Programs will continue, as of now.
- Our Construction Office will continue to conduct “outdoor” inspections, but all “indoor” inspections will be suspended until further notice.
It is imperative that we all take “extreme” precaution until the Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises otherwise. Follow the health protocols being discussed and take the suggestions for “social distancing” seriously. Stay at home unless required to be somewhere. Maintain the “6-foot rule”, even in interaction with your neighbors.
We are prepared to deal with this constantly evolving situation at the local governmental level and will keep you as informed as possible. We are equally as confident in your commitment to keeping yourself and our community healthy and safe. Here’s a great video from the World Health Organization that everyone should see, click to view.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. The Township Staff is working to ensure the health and safety of our community. In addition to email notifications, you can get updates on our Website and Facebook Page.
Together for Harrison Township,
Lou Manzo
Your Mayor